Saturday, September 3, 2011

Octoberfest Beer

Thanks to Joe Wietlispach for giving me a bottle of this to review. I'm still trying to remember the beer's that I've reviewed into the blog, and those that have been reviewed into my old tasting journals. Oh well. Tasted Monday afternoon following a breezy 10 miles

Appearance: Coppered amber with a poor head retention, mainly taking the form of a sporadic film across the top and accumulations in parts around the glass. Carbonation looks strong with a persistently rising micro-bubble carbonation around the edges. Clarity would be given a 9/10. Glowing and orange.
Aroma: Festivus fall smell especially of dried leaves and a grass. Fresh toasted malt scent as well as some floral undertones. Breadiness and rye. Spiced elements balance these notes along with a varying degree of hops. Clean lagered scent.
Taste: The midtaste incorporates a dark bready malt flavor of that of fresh baked pumpernickel. Caramel is an undertoned malt to the overall toasted bready malt backbone. Not necessarily sweet, but rich in flavor. The finish emphasizes minute fall spices as well as leafy hops and cinnamon. Maybe even some ginger. The end is clean bitter and refreshing. More focus is put towards the ending bitterness than the actual malt in this beer.
Mouthfeel: Strong carbonation bites the top of the tongue as it passes. Body is lighter than others of this category, but otherwise the texture is creamy. Drying in the mouth.
Overall Impression: Definitely get the Autumn-esk flavor about this beer. It's malt is basic and the spicing is certainly something new to the up-and-coming season. I enjoyed the dry leaf bitterness, though I thought the carbonation was a bit high. Surely refreshing and something to think about. Awesome stand-out label.


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